Sunday, April 8, 2012

Foodie Log 29, date April 8, 2012

You know what makes an awesome (possum-est) breakfast on Sunday?

Whoopie Pies!!!

mmmmmmm chocolatey / sugary / artery-clogging goodness - mmmmm, I say! mmmmmm ::drool::

the Traveling Gnome agrees
Whoopie Pie Fort
now, as some of you may know, the origin of the whoopie pie is quite controversial between the north and the kind of north - the great debate between MA and PA - the food fight between the Lumberjacks and the Amish - pitting Whoopie Pie Festival against Whoopie Pie Festival.

Whoopie Pie Gnomedom
Well, I, for one, am not about to pick sides here (unlike the monster Lobster Roll duel, but more on that later) - all I know is that one can never have enough whoopie pies and as long as it involves two chocolatey pieces and one creamy/fluffy/sugary filling, I do not care whether it came from the first state to see the sun rise or the home of cheesesteaks.  TGnome, on the other hand, is having a problem maintaining the peace ...
Whoopie Pie Defector! (oh, the huge manatee!)

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