Saturday, April 7, 2012

Foodie Log 28, date April 7, 2012

Just went to see Hunger Games ("just" as in last weekend - c'mon, I have a job and sometimes a life, delays should always be expected)

First and foremost, I enjoyed reading the book (despite the violence and all of the heroine's self-imposed issues) - very interesting concept, though I guess not completely original ... given that the likes of the Long Walk, the Running Man and even Battle Royale came long before it ... still, whatever gets people reading!

Second, I thought that they did a great job of bringing the book to the big screen (slight exception noted below) - certainly no HP, but I know that's not a fair comparison, there can only be one in a lifetime (well, maybe more than one if the odds were ever in our favor)

Third, but no less equally poignant, no movie needs to be more 90 minutes! (maybe, rarely maybe, 120 minutes, tops!) this movie adaptation ran 142 minutes - so, in the best of circumstances, it was 22 minutes too long! sometimes 22 minutes too long doesn't feel too long, but I felt these 22 minutes (to be honest, more like 30 minutes) - there were gratuitous frames (the intense looks, the dramatic pauses, the awkward moments where no one says or does anything, but it really feels like someone should be saying or doing something, anything!)

in short, read the books, go see the movie and, as always, happy chow!

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