Sunday, March 18, 2012

Foodie Log 27, date March 18, 2012

Good Food, Cheap!

It's "funny" how it has become the "norm" to have $15+ entrees on the menu at "regular" restaurants - like the neighborhood kind that's really not fancy-schmancy enough to have entree prices that high ... I know, it's a sign of the economic times, but still!!

that is why I love being able to find a filling, good food meal that rings in at under $5 - where can one find such a steal of a deal? head over to your local Vietnamese hub, ours is called the Eden Center (hopefully your hub has a cool name and a spiffy entrance), and grab a banh mi sandwich - fresh french bread, shredded & pickled carrots and daikon, a couple of slices of jalapeno, some green herb-y thingy, meat of your choice and a little white sauce (don't know what it is, don't care, it's yummy in my tummy!)

if you go to the Eden Center, pretty much every other store sells these delicious morsels and they all pretty much have it for the same right on the money price of under $5 a pop, but one of my favs is the #6 (grilled, shredded chicken) at Song Que, the one in the corner with the little water fountain sculpture thing in the front.  the size of the sandwich is fairly large - I can break it in half and feel like I am getting the big bang for my little buck.

don't take my word for it, just go and give it a try! what do you have to lose for $5? I bet you've wasted more than that for so much less ... e.g., overpriced cupcake (I am guilty of this), overpriced burnt coffee (Starbucks, I'm looking at you), a cup of movie theater popcorn (oh wait ... that's probably more like $10 ...), etc ...

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